The Session
shall elect a clerk at its first stated meeting after the annual installation
of officers. The term of the clerk shall be one year. The responsibilities of the Clerk are as
as Secretary of the Board of Trustees; -
as recording secretary for all meetings of the Session and the congregation
and keep minutes of all meetings and see
to it that such minutes are approved and properly endorsed; -
and keep records of all reports for Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly
including the Annual Statistical Report; -
the keeping of an up to date membership roll by office staff, including an
accurate list of inactive members and affiliate members; -
the keeping of an accurate record by office staff of all baptisms, marriages,
deaths, and other significant events; -
care of the necessary correspondence of the Session, including dismissing of
members; -
all records necessary, including committee reports; -
the Operations Manual of the Session available to all newly-elected members of
the Session; -
the Operations Manual up to date as Session actions affecting the manual are
taken and shall annually remind the Session to review the manual for needed
revisions; -
available at all meetings orders of procedure; -
all members of the Session of date, time and place of meetings, -
and notify all committees, councils, persons, etc., of the actions taken by the
Session pertaining to that group or person; -
an accurate and indexed reference of all motions and resolutions passed by the
Session until such time as those motions or resolutions are no longer
applicable; -
act as
the Moderator’s assistant at all meetings of the Session.
Approved by Session October 8, 2012