Chapel in the Pines worships Sunday mornings
at 9:15 a.m. (outdoors – weather permitting)
and at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary
Second Sundays: One combined service at 10:00 a.m.
Childcare is available for all services
Welcome to Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church, where all our members are ministers. We open our doors to all persons to join in worship, fellowship, educational programs, and service. We welcome into membership all who profess faith in Jesus Christ without regard to gender, race, ethnic origin, worldly conditions, sexual orientation, ability, or any other human condition. We hope that you will visit with us. We assure you a warm welcome and trust that you will find the presence of the risen Christ among us.
Finding our worship space at 314 Great Ridge Parkway, Chapel Hill. Click here for directions.
Parking and Arrival
Visitor and handicapped parking spaces are provided along the sidewalk near the entrance.
At Chapel in the Pines, we invite all who worship with us to wear a name tag so we may call each other by name. While not required, visitors are invited to make a name tag upon arrival. If you return within the next few weeks, a printed name tag will be waiting for you the next time you attend.
We also invite you to sign the visitor pad, giving your address, phone, and email information, so we can send you a note, add you to our email listserv, and learn a bit more about you.
Ushers and Greeters are available to assist you each Sunday should you have any questions.
What to Wear?
There is no dress code here. You’ll see people in jeans and T-shirts sitting alongside folks in suits and ties, dresses and slacks. Come as you are and you will be welcome here.
There are two worship services on Sunday mornings: 9:15 a.m. outdoors (inside if there is inclement weather) and 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. On the second Sunday of each month we have one combined service at 10:00 a.m. Services last about an hour. You’ll find Bibles and hymnals near your chair in the sanctuary. Please take a seat anywhere. Click below for a sample bulletin you can review to learn about a typical order of service. A T-Coil is available, and services are streamed online.
For Children
Children are welcome and are encouraged to participate fully in worship services! Childcare for children aged birth-4 is provided in our nursery space (located down the education hallway).
During both worship services, a Time With Young Disciples message is offered by our children’s and youth ministries director. The Time With Young Disciples provides an opportunity for our young disciples to connect scripture with their lived experiences. Following the Time With Young Disciples, children ages 3 and up are invited to join our staff and volunteers for Sacred Art Time in the church fellowship hall. During Sacred Art Time children will discuss the week’s scripture reading, connect with one another and explore faith through art. Children return to the sanctuary following the sermon so they can participate in the remainder of the worship service.
Fellowship Time Following Worship
You are invited to stay following worship for a time of fellowship in the Hall-for-All fellowship hall. Light refreshments are provided and members welcome your questions and comments. On the second Sunday of the month, we gather for a potluck lunch. Newcomers are welcome to enjoy the meal without contribution – there is always plenty!
Handicapped parking is available in front of the church with level access into the sanctuary.
Large print worship bulletins and hymnals are available from the ushers. You are invited to use these during worship.
The sanctuary is equipped with a hearing loop, making it possible for anyone with a T-coil-enabled hearing aid to hear the worship service clearly. Hearing Assistance headphones are also available from the ushers. Before you leave the sanctuary, please turn off the receiver and place it in the specially marked receptacle or return to an usher.
Weekly sermons are available as audio files. Printed copies may be requested from the church office.
Want to know more about Presbyterians?
Click here to visit the Presbyterian Church (USA) website’s “Presbyterian 101.”
Ready to Become a Member?
New members are received during worship on a regular basis. If you’d like to officially become a member of Chapel in the Pines, just let Andrew Taylor-Troutman, our Pastor, know of your desire to join.
Please spend some time looking at the other sections of this website, read our monthly newsletter, check out our calendar, meet our staff members, and find information about our mission and outreach involvement. You are invited to come worship with us.