Digest from Session Meetings in Nov. and Dec.

The Session met November 25, 2024 and the following business was conducted:
Motions from:
Worship committee
• Motion to move Communion from January 5, 2025, to January 12, 2025.
Background: Andrew and Ginny will be out of town on the first Sunday of January.
Finance and Administration
• Motion to add a Zoom camera to the wish list at a cost to be determined.
The camera was purchased as a gift the following week.
• Motion to approve a correction to the “Fund Principal” section before year-end, such that the Operating Budget Reserves (OBR) will be reduced by $22,500 (to $77,500 from $100,000), offset by a $22,500 increase in Property Equity.
This is due to an overstatement of the Solar Panels value in restricted accounts in mid-July 2019 which transferred to OBR at year-end and continued to present. The Solar Panels value remains correct in the Balance Sheet Asset – Property section.
Welcome and Membership:
• Motion to joyfully welcome Barbara Ewend, Jim Starling and Anna Troutman into the life of Chapel in the Pines
• Motion to transfer the membership of Sara Botelho D’Souza to First Presbyterian Church in Durham

Andrew presented an opportunity for Chapel in the Pines to host a Covenant Network meeting on behalf of the Presbytery and include other nearby churches to participate. After lengthy discussion, the following motion passed unanimously:
• We move that Chapel in the Pines host a covenant network meeting on behalf of Salem Presbytery on March 1, 2025.
An update was provided on the Website and bid for development. The bid was under the anticipated budget and is fully funded.

At the annual joint meeting of Deacons and Session on December 23, no business was conducted. Committee reports from December will be in the January 2025 Session Stated Meeting packet.