Caring for Creation


 A Call to Covenant with God
for the
Care of the Environment

Extended to the Congregation of
Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church

By the Seekers’ Class (2009)


Members of the Seekers’
Class of the Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church have completed an in-depth
study of the ecological crisis facing the world today, a study based on the
Scriptures. After careful consideration of their own need to make a
re-commitment to address environmental needs, they invite the congregation to
join them in making a re-commitment to answer God’s call to care for the
environment. It is in this context that we extend a Call to Covenant.

We realize that
environmental care encompasses a vast array of issues and responsibilities:
care of the earth, air, sea, and sky; care for our bodies; care for the poor,
the hungry, the homeless and displaced; care for the animals; and many more.

We earnestly believe that
God has given us the land as a gift, a gift freely and lovingly bestowed. We
are called to be keepers and stewards of the environment rather than
manipulators and managers.

We entreat the congregation
to help answer the call, a Call to Covenant with God to accept the
responsibility to re-think its responsibilities to the environment.

The possibilities are many,
therefore we submit a list of things we begin to consider as individuals and as
a congregation:

  • Organize an Outreach
    sub-committee on Eco-Stewardship.
  • Serve on the Eco-Stewardship
  • Continue to study/consider
    ways to fulfill an environmental responsibility in the new church development.
  • Support Chatham County’s programs dealing with Obesity, Disease Prevention, Healthy Eating,
    and Exercise Programs.
  • Support the Food Bank with
    an even greater zeal.
  • Consider the need to
    recycle, even in such small ways as in recycling our waste after refreshments
    and luncheons.
  • Add your ideas and creative
    thinking about ways to serve.

As we have stated, this is a
beginning. The Seekers’ Class re-states its invitation to the congregation for
a Call to Covenant with God in preservation of the environment.

Environmental Stewardship Task Force
Recommended Guidelines
(Approved by Session August 2012)

Listen to Mindy Douglas Adams’ sermon from February 12, 2012.

Earth Care as Lenten Practice

Presbyterians for Earthcare



