Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church
Illness Policy
Chapel in the Pines follows the guidelines set by the American Board of Pediatrics regarding illness.
Children and adult volunteers and staff must be free of the following symptoms for at least 24 hours before returning to church programs (including worship services, Godly Play, nursery):
* Fever (temperature over 100 degrees F) without medication
* Vomiting
* Congested or coughing
* Obviously not feeling well
Children and adult volunteers and staff must be free of the following illnesses for at least
48 hours before returning to church programs:
* Diarrhea
Children and adult volunteers and staff with any of the following illnesses must be free
of symptoms before returning to the program (Please speak to your doctor for more
information about symptoms):
* Scabies
* Head Lice
* Strep throat or Scarlet Fever
* Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
* Impetigo
* Staphylococcus infection
* Measles/Mumps/Rubella
In addition, if a child or adult volunteer or staff develops chicken pox, s/he must remain
at home until all pox have crusted over.
If the person is taking an antibiotic for an illness, s/he must take the medication for at
least 24 hours before attending church programs.