

At Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church, we believe active Christian fellowship builds relationships and makes us better Christian friends with each other and with the world.   Members of Chapel in the Pines are organized into 7 fellowship teams that serve on a rotating basis. By being part of a team, everyone has the opportunity to become better acquainted with fellow members. It also allows each of us to participate in the life of our church.

The team concept originated in our early life as a church when we met at North Chatham School. To prepare for worship each Sunday, teams set up chairs in the school multi-purpose room, set out hymnals and bibles, set up a table for communion, and on and on. By comparison, what we do today is easy!

The functions of the teams are as follows:


  • Team members are in charge of fellowship time following Sunday worship. They prepare coffee and provide snacks.
  • Team members perform the usher duties by handing out bulletins, receive the offering, counting attendance, and assisting late arrivers.  Click here for a list of usher responsibilities.
  • Each month we plan a fellowship activity. Examples of past activities include: picnics, talent shows, game nights, chili cook-offs, and potluck lunches.


We welcome you and look forward to you becoming an active member by serving on a fellowship team. Soon you will be contacted by your fellowship