Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church welcomes your donation. Click here to review the Session’s “General Gift Acceptance Policy.”
- You may make a donation to the church’s operating expenses (click here to do so online),
- or text CITP to 73256 from your phone to make an offering or gift at any time,
- or mail a check to: 314 Great Ridge Parkway, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
- or make a pledge (click here to do so online OR click here to learn how to make a pledge from your I.R.A.),
- or give stock. The stock donation form is password protected. Contact the church office for the password, then click here.
- Check our Wish List for designated giving opportunities (click here).
- You may donate to the church’s Endowment Fund (click here for more information.)
- You may give flowers for worship in memory or in honor of someone (call the church office 919-960-0616).
- You may make a gift to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund to be used to assist individuals with specific financial needs. Click here to donate online by choosing the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund from the “Fund” drop-down box.
- You may dedicate a hymnal or Bible in memory or in honor of a loved one (click here to print a form).
The church has many ministries and many expenses. Your support is greatly appreciated.