Service Opportunities
Chapel in the Pines (CitP) has many service opportunities where a church member can help in a way that excites them about our church. There are nine standing committees that report to Session. Each committee has service opportunities outlined below. Generally, each committee meets once a month to discuss the tasks of the committee and prepare necessary information to for Session’s monthly meeting.
There are many other ways to serve our church that are not associated with a committee (see opportunities listed under Miscellaneous). Each of the nine committees has committee members which may also be a way to serve.
The following descriptions provide information including contact information. The leadership looks forward to hearing from you — CitP needs you!
Current Contacts by title:
Pastor: Andrew Taylor-Troutman
Minister of Member Engagement: Ginny Taylor-Troutman
Office Manager: Teresa Balatico
Director of Music Ministries: Jeremy Nabors
Assistant Director of Music Ministries: Daniel Seyfried
Director of Handbells: Katherine Brekke
Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries – Joelle Brummitt-Yale
Building and Grounds Committee Chair – Bruce Raymond
Communications Chair – Tom Crosby
Faith Formation Chair – Serena ZumBrunnen
Fellowship – Sarah McCormack
Finance & Administration Chair – Paul Bolig
Membership & Welcome Chair – Karen Fisher
Mission and Service Chair – Jeff Olson
Worship Chair – Barbara Strange
CitP Habitat for Humanity Champion – Bart Holtz
Prayer Ministry
Open to all members from the privacy of your home
Pray for the requests on the Monday email list
Pray for Chapel in the Pines and its ministry at noon – once a week, multiple days, or every day!
Reports to: Deacon in charge of neighborhood or grouping of members based on where they live
Description: Responds to an individual member or family in need of assistance
Helpful Experience: Willingness to write cards, drive members and/or deliver items
Duties include
- Send Birthday and Get-Well cards
- Phone members to express sympathy and care
- Prepare and/or deliver meals
- Drive member to doctor appointment, grocery store, or pharmacy
Deacons also organize periodic gatherings of neighborhoods and oversee certain church events like funerals
Duties include
- Usher
- Help to setup reception and/or provide food
Building and Grounds
Holy Mowers
Reports to: Chair, Building and Grounds Committee
Description: Mow the grass at church (weekly).
Helpful Experience: Requires physical activity.
Duties include: The lawns at CitP are mowed weekly during the mow season. The church has a self-propelled push mower and riding mower. The lawn is mowed weekly prior to Sunday services, typically Saturday, by a member of the team. This rotates among the members such that a person mows only once over several weeks (depends on the number of mowers on the team).
Garden Angel, Remembrance Garden
Reports to: Remembrance Garden Coordinator
Description: Provides regular weeding in the remembrance garden.
Helpful Experience: Garden weeding, requires some physical activity.
Duties include: The Remembrance Garden is divided into 8 sections. Each Garden Angel is responsible for weeding a section on a regular basis.
Workday Assistant
Reports to: Chair, Building and Grounds Committee
Description: Assists in Workday activities.
Helpful Experience: Weeding, cleaning, mulch spreading.
Duties include: Building and Grounds has usually two workdays a year, one in the spring and one in the fall. Tasks could include: window cleaning, sanctuary floor cleaning/conditioning, spreading mulch, weeding, planting plants.
Ad Hoc Weeding
Reports to: Chair, Building and Grounds Committee
Description: General weeding at CitP (does not include the Remembrance Garden) .
Helpful Experience: Weeding, plant knowledge (what is a weed).
Duties include: Weeding the plant beds at the entrance, around the church (Fellowship Hall, Sanctuary, Educational wing). This does not include the Remembrance Garden as this task is provided by Remembrance Garden Angels which is another opportunity
Weed Control
Reports to: Chair, Building and Grounds Committee
Description: Weed control of drainage and parking lot
Helpful Experience: Spraying environmentally friendly agent
Duties include: Spraying drainage ditches, gravel parking lot and other areas to assure proper drainage and weed control of the Chapel in the Pines grounds. This is done typically two to three times a year during the growing season.
Writer / Editor
Reports to: Communications Committee Chairperson
Description: Write and edit a range of items including news, social media (separate opportunities there) flyers and PowerPoints presentations. Writers can choose assignments. Opportunities arise monthly.
Helpful Experience: Like to write, able to edit for grammar and spelling. This is easy and fun. You will be able to work with people from other committees and with staff.
Duties include:
- Speaking with others to understand details and requirements
- Writing long or short items as needed
- Providing second drafts if needed
- Sometimes pairing images or photos with your work
Social Media Person
Reports to: Communications Committee Chairperson
Description: Chooses, creates and posts items such as images, links, videos, news and quotes. Work with/shadow a colleague on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube create and curate social media channels that are valuable to the congregation. Bring your ideas!
Helpful Experience: Familiarity with social media channels, especially the one(s) you want to work with. Writing or creative expression in any form. Familiarity with style suggestions. This is quick, fun, and creative and offers collaboration with other volunteers.
Duties include:
- Speaking with others to understand details and requirements
- Create, write posts as needed
- Follow style guides
- Select images or photos
- Able to meet deadlines when they are provided
Obtain analytic information to share upon request (A few clicks of a button)
Designer / Sign Maker
Reports to: Communications Committee Chairperson
Description: Creates graphically designed works such as flyers, mailers, brochures, signs and banners. Work with writers and staff to learn the goals and requirements and unleash your creativity!
Helpful Experience: An eye for artistic expression. Graphic design skills are helpful but not necessary. Familiarity with online tools such as Canva, Paint, or Adobe Creative Cloud helpful.
Duties include:
- Speaking with others to understand details and requirements
- Brainstorming ideas and creating initial designs
- Pairing text and photos/ images to create the right tool for the job: A postcard, poster, flyer, sign…etc.
- Work with established image library and follow standards
- Use selected vendors or others for production (Staples Printing Services, Fast Signs, etc…)
Able to meet deadlines
Reports to: Communications Committee Chairperson
Description: Takes photos at events or upon request to support other communication endeavors. Uploads and shares digital images on CitP Google Drive and works with team members to document events and get that right shot. Assignments are largely scheduled with advance notice and photographers may choose them or decline them.
Helpful Experience: Comfortable taking pictures of people and at events. An eye for artistic expression. Familiarity with Google drive or other methods of sharing and curating photography.
Duties include:
- Speaking with others to understand details and requirements
- Arrive at event or location in advance to scout best angles and lighting
- Direct people as necessary and shoot multiples of an image to get it right
- Upload and share images with colleagues. Manage the shared image folder as needed.
- Ability to meet deadlines
*You will need your own camera or your camera phone. We do have some tripods. You may work with a videographer at an event or one person may accomplish both tasks.
Reports to: Communications Committee Chairperson
Description: Takes video at events or upon request to support other communication endeavors. Uploads and shares video on CitP Google Drive and works with team members to document events and get the necessary video. Assignments are largely scheduled with advance notice and videographers may choose them or decline them.
Helpful Experience: Comfortable taking videos of people and at events. An eye for artistic expression. Familiarity with Google drive or other methods of sharing and curating video clips. Familiarity with equipment including tripods, lights and microphones is welcome.
Duties include:
- Speaking with others to understand details and requirements
- Arrive at event or location in advance to scout best angles and lighting
- Direct people as necessary and shoot multiple takes of video to get it right
- Use microphones and lighting to get the best result
- Upload and share video clips with colleagues. Manage the shared clips folder as needed.
- Ability to meet deadlines
* The church has some tripods and external microphones but does not own cameras. Newer smartphones have the capability to capture the quality we need. We welcome people to use the church’s tripods and mics and we welcome photographers and videographers to use their own equipment.
Video editor / producer
Reports to: Communications Committee Chairperson
Description: Produces and edits videos to help the church tell its stories. Some are documenting events, others may be to craft a story for an internal or external audience, such as telling the story of our mission work. Videos can be long or short, easy to create, or open to much more creative expression. You may work with a colleague to meet requirements or may be asked to come with your own vision. Video is becoming more important to us. Help us bring our stories to life.
Helpful Experience: Video editing, scriptwriting and video production are all helpful. Familiarity with a video editing software is recommended. Able to tell short stories 30 seconds -2 minutes or longer ones.
Duties include:
- Speaking with others to understand details and requirements
- Working with videographers to capture footage
- Direct people as necessary and shoot multiple takes of video to get it right
- Structure a story and script write or work with writer where necessary, or determine how to tell a story through existing footage
- Secure stock photography if necessary
- Ask drone operator to shoot photography
- Edit video to standards, such as using branded graphics and ensuring permissions and copyrights
* The church does have a video editing suite software outside of what comes with the Windows Office Suite.
Website Editor
Reports to: Communications Committee Chairperson or Web Manager
Description: Edits website, posts new content in WordPress Site several times per month
Helpful Experience: Website editing or managing, writing. Sizing images. Experience is not needed. WordPress is easy. There is no coding.
Duties include:
- Posting new content updates, removing old ones
- Adding photos and links
- Helping design new pages and sections
Faith Formation
Sacred Art Volunteers
Reports to: Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries
Description: Volunteer to be the supporting second adult (as prescribed by the Chapel in the Pines Child Protection Policy) at the Sacred Art Table.
Time: Sundays during the 9:15am and/or 11:00am service. This work may be scheduled in advance. Once trained, you may be tapped to serve in the moment to support the staff.
Helpful Experience: Comforting and Nurturing skills. Experience working with children four+ years of age. Volunteers are required to
- Have a background check completed every 3 years
- Complete Child Protection Policy Training & Ministry Safe Training
- Be fully vaccinated for Covid19
Duties Include: Some types of activities that the volunteer may help with (but are not limited to) include passing out supplies, helping children with crafts, reading related children’s books, and providing positive role models for children who attend Sacred Art Table.
Nursery Volunteers
Reports to: Coordinator of Youth Ministries
Description: Volunteer to be the supporting second adult (as prescribed by the Chapel in the Pines Child Protection Policy) in the nursery during the 11:00am service. This may be scheduled in advance, or availability to be asked the day of, depending on volunteer preference and staff needs.
Helpful Experience: Comforting and Nurturing skills. Experience working with children 0 – 4 years of age and families. Volunteers are required to
- Have a background check completed every 3 years
- Complete Child Protection Policy Training & Ministry Safe Training
- Be fully vaccinated for Covid19
Duties Include: Some types of activities that the volunteer may help with (but are not limited to) include leading play activities with children, interacting with families during drop off and pick up, ensuring safety of children in the nursery, caring for children’s needs (Such as diaper changes, separation-from-parent comforting, redirecting attention, etc.), and other childcare related responsibilities.
Children’s Ministry Preparation Volunteers
Reports to: Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries
Description: Volunteers to help with tasks that encourage children to participate in the life of the church and help prepare church staff for Sacred Art and Nursery.
Helpful Experience: No experience required.
Duties Include: Volunteers can complete requested tasks during church office hours. Tasks may include (but are not limited to) restocking coloring pages, photocopying, filling sidewalk chalk bags, preparing crafts, maintaining the playground, restocking supplies, and other tasks as requested by the church staff.
Confirmation Mentors
Reports to: Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries and Pastor
Description: Volunteers to work with our Youth who will be confirmed in the Faith. Someone of mature faith who can serve as a guide and companion on this important part of their journey of faith.
Helpful Experience:
- Nurturing skills
- Be able to encourage your confirmand to express his or her faith and questions openly.
- Be able to listen and recognize that he or she is still exploring and growing in faith.
- Have a background check completed every 3 years
- Complete Child Protection Policy Training & Ministry Safe Training
- Be fully vaccinated for Covid19
Duties Include: Meeting and working with the youth confirmand to answer and explore questions about Faith. Attend confirmation sessions and services with the confirmand. Being available for the confirmand as needed throughout the process.
Instructional Material Organizer
Reports to: Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries
Description: Re-stock instructional materials after an activity
Helpful Experience: Enjoys organizing materials.
Duties include: After instructional activity the left over “kits” and surplus materials are to be re-stocked to reduce waste and to avoid duplicate purchasing of instructional materials. This activity can be performed at any time post the activity such as a day or two after the activity. This individual will work closely with the Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries to organize the materials for easy access and re-stocking post an activity
Hall for All Kitchen Cleaning
Reports to: Fellowship Committee Chair
Description: Be part of an “on Call” team to help with kitchen clean up after an event
Helpful Experience: Enjoys cleaning.
Duties include: helping as part of team that cleans the kitchen after an event. Willing to come back to church and empty dishwashers (they have a long cycle period).
Snack Supply for Fellowship
Reports to: Fellowship Committee Chair
Description: Supplies “snack” type food for the Fellowship event after church services
Helpful Experience: Enjoys shopping and stocking.
Duties include: Inventory fellowship snacks and replaces items as they are consumed to be ready for the next Fellowship event
Fellowship Server 9:15
Reports to: Fellowship Committee Chair
Description: Set up and Cleanup for the after Sunday Service (9:15am)
Helpful Experience: Likes making snack trays and drinks.
Duties include: Organizing snacks and drinks to be provided at the post Sunday Service Fellowship. Make coffee using the Hall for All coffee maker
Fellowship Server 11:00
Reports to: Fellowship Committee Chair
Description: Set up and Cleanup for the after Sunday Service (11:00am)
Helpful Experience: Likes making snack trays and drinks.
Duties include: Organizing snacks and drinks to be provided at the post Sunday Service Fellowship. Make coffee using the Hall for All coffee maker
Special Event Server
Reports to: Fellowship Committee Chair
Description: Set up and Cleanup for special events (funeral, Fellowship Events, etc)
Helpful Experience: Likes making snack trays and drinks.
Duties include: Organizing snacks and drinks to be provided based on the requirements of the event. Make coffee using the Hall for All coffee maker
Finance & Administration
Member, Stewardship Sub-Committee
Reports to: Chair, Stewardship Sub-Committee
Description: Stewardship Campaign
Helpful Experience: Experience in orchestrating a comprehensive communication strategy to focus attention on stewardship during the annual campaign.
Duties include: Participate as a member of the Stewardship Campaign team in developing, and carrying out, the overall plan designed to assure successfully reach the financial goal set by the committee in cooperation with the Finance & Administration Committee and Session. Involves a seven-month commitment beginning in June and ending in December. Summer and early fall involves attending a monthly meeting with a more extensive time commitment during the actual campaign itself. Shorter-term opportunities would include envelope stuffing, mailings and sending thank you cards.
Post-Worship Counter
Reports to: Chair, Finance & Administration Committee
Description: Count the offerings collected during the two Sunday services.
Helpful Experience: Good math skills.
Duties include: Joining a two-person team who perform this task once a month at the completion of the 11:00 AM service. Time commitment is roughly one-half hour. Sundays are divided among the teams.
Review Financial Records of CITP
Reports to: Chair, Finance & Administration Committee
Description: Review the Financial Records of CITP
Helpful Experience: Accounting or Business Experience
Duties include: Joining a 2-4 person team who perform a year-end review of the Church’s financial records. This typically takes place in the spring or summer of the year and involves a half-day meeting and then participating in the writing of the report.
Member, Endowment and Planned Giving Sub-Committee
Reports to: Chair, Endowment and Planned Giving Sub-Committee
Description: Participate in advertising the Church’s Endowment and Planned Giving program.
Helpful Experience: Advertising experience. Planned Giving experience is helpful but not required.
Duties include: Join a team who assist in carrying out the Church’s Endowment and Planned Giving program.
Information Technology Consultant
Reports to: Chair, Finance & Administration Committee
Description: Information Technology Consultant
Helpful Experience: Experience with providing guidance to an organization when making decisions about what technology it uses.
Duties include: Assist the committee and office staff when minor technical issues occur.
Welcome and Membership
New Visitor Greeter
Reports to: Chair of Welcome and Membership Committee
Description: Greet visitors at both Sunday Worship Services.
Helpful Experience: Willingness to extend a warm welcome.
Duties include: Arriving early before a Sunday Service. Help with the setup for the service (bulletins are out, other handouts are out, blank name tags are available, etc.). Wear Greeter name tag (magnetic). Greet attendees as they arrive. Encourage new visitors to prepare name tags and to fill out the visitor green card or use the QR code in the worship bulletin to leave their contact information.
Greeter Coordinator
Reports to: Chair of Welcome and Membership Committee
Description: Recruits and schedules church members to serve as New Visitor Greeters for the 9:15 and 11 am services. Maintains a Greeter checklist of duties and a list of on-call substitutes. Sends reminder emails to Greeters. Maintains an up-to-date schedule of Greeters.
Helpful Experience: Organizational and interpersonal skills.
New Member Friend
Reports to: Chair of Welcome and Membership Committee
Description: Help a new member to feel at home and engaged in the life of Chapel in the Pines.
Helpful Experience: Willingness to extend a warm welcome.
Duties include: Engaging a new member in life of CitP. Some possible examples would be:
- Share at least one meal
- Invite them to a church event
- Introduce the new member to at least 5 other members and have a non-trivial conversation
- Plan a Sunday to serve together as Greeters
- Help new member find service opportunities, classes, events, committees, that match their interests and participate with them a time or two to help them get comfortable.
- Learn the names of the new members’ immediate family
- Remember the new members on their birthdays and anniversaries with a text, a call, a note, or just a mention at church.
- After six months, check with the new member on their experience
Write Thank you Note Cards to Visitors
Reports to: Chair of Welcome and Membership Committee
Description: Writes cards to visitors to say thank you for visiting.
Helpful Experience: Willingness write note cards on a timely basis and a desire to extend welcome
New Member Packet Preparer
Reports to: Chair of Welcome and Membership Committee
Description: Prepares new member packets on an as-needed basis.
Helpful Experience: Ability to work in the church office area to prepare the packets. Materials will be provided by church office staff. Might need to use a copier. Training provided.
Duties include: Gathering and sorting materials that go into new member packets. Obtaining updated materials when needed. Removing out-of-date materials when necessary. Can prepare packets ahead of time leaving room for just the latest information closer to a new member joining date (typically the second Sunday of a month).
Mission and Service
Gardener at The Farm at Penny Lane
Reports to: Mission & Service Chairperson. Will coordinate with personnel at The Farm at Penny Lane garden (located just outside the Briar Chapel subdivision). Also, questions can be answered by Barbara Strange or Jeff Olson). Find available times, register to volunteer, obtain waiver form at Farm’s URL:
Description: Help with various gardening tasks. Matt provides leadership on tasks needed. Other volunteers are often helping. Volunteer times are typically Mondays 10am-Noon, Fridays 3-5pm, and selected Saturdays 10am-Noon.
Helpful Experience: A slightly green thumb is helpful, but certainly not required. Tools provided. Bring your own gloves if you wish. Supervised youth are welcome.
Duties Include: Garden bed preparation, planting, weeding, thinning, harvesting and other tasks as needed. Duties change seasonally. A waiver form is required for first-time volunteers.
Heat and Eat Meal Prep (The Farm at Penny Lane)
Reports to: Barbara Strange / Jeff Olson and/or a soon-to-be-named representative from HomeLink (a partner of The Farm at Penny Lane).
Description: Transport cooked food from restaurant, portion into individual meal amounts in containers, load into fridge, return transport containers to restaurant.
Helpful Experience: Ability to carry kitchen-sized pots of cooked food and transport them. ServSafe certification in Food Handling and Preparation is required. (It is an online course and test — takes ~2 hrs and costs $15 — call us).
Duties Include: Pick up cooked food from the Breakaway Cafe (just outside Briar Chapel subdivision). The pick-up volunteer must have a vehicle. Transport food to The Farm kitchen, portion helpings into individual biodegradable meal boxes, load fridge with boxes, return the empty pots to the Breakaway Cafe. These duties are currently performed on Wednesday afternoons.
Cooking for The Chatham Chuckwagon Meals Program
Reports to: Led by a Chatham Chuckwagon leader/chef at one of the partner cooking or distribution sites. The CITP Champion is Mike Mannshardt.
- Typically on Mondays: Help prepare food, cook entrees, vacuum seal portions, and pack into freezer(s) for later distribution – to be distributed about in 8 days.
- Typically on Tuesdays: Distribute the frozen entrees to clients who come to one of the Chuckwagon partner locations in Pittsboro.
Helpful Experience: Food cleaning, chopping, cooking skills are helpful but not required. A lead cook/chef will be part of each team (or maybe 5 to 8). ServSafe certification in Food Handling and Preparation is required. (It is an online course and test — takes ~2hrs and costs $15 — call us).
Duties Include: 1. Prep, cook, portion and vacuum seal entrees for freezing. 2. Distribute frozen entrees to clients at a partner Pittsboro location.
A waiver form is required for first-time volunteers.
Habitat for Humanity
Reports to: CitP Habitat Champion
Description: Perform various volunteer tasks at a home built by Habitat.
Helpful Experience: Gardening, carpentry, taping, painting, and related skills.
Duties Include: Duties will vary with each house and the phase of development of each build, the weather and the volunteer’s specific skills. Duties may include: staging constructions material to near where trades will need them, light carpentry, hanging and taping drywall, priming and painting, tile installation and/or grouting, clean up, and other building activities. A release form is required and can be completed at the worksite.
Communion Coordinator
Reports to: Worship committee chair
Description: Recruits and schedules church members to serve communion and prep communion elements
Helpful Experience: attendance at church and an observation of communion during worship services
Duties include:
- Reaching out to church community and asking for help.
- Maintaining, posting, and updating the communion volunteer schedule online and on display at the church.
- Reporting to Worship committee and receiving info on additional communion services or changes to the church calendar
Communion Server
Reports to: Communion coordinator
Description: Serves communion during worship; can also help prepare communion elements for worship services; element prep person does not necessarily have to be a server, and vice versa.
Helpful Experience: attendance at church and an observation of communion during worship services
Duties include:
- Servers: attend worship on communion Sunday. Offering bread or juice to worshipers as they come forward. In some instances, may take the elements to folks outside the sanctuary. Help with cleanup after the service.
- Element Prep: purchases and slices bread for the service, loaves for the liturgy, and juice. Places elements in the proper bowl/pitcher/chalice for the service and places the serving ware on the communion table prior to service. Cleans up after the service.
- Depending on the response, this could involve 1-3 Sundays a year, or more if desired
Lay Reader Coordinator
Reports to: Worship Committee Chairperson
Description: The lay reader coordinator manages the recruiting and scheduling of lay scripture readers for worship services.
Helpful Experience: Familiarity with email and Excel
Duties include:
- Recruit lay reader volunteers via in-person service announcements, outreach to new members, written communication, and/or volunteer recruitment events.
- Create, maintain, and circulate training and resource material to readers.
- Quarterly emails to volunteer readers to request preferred services for reading,
- Circulate final schedule to readers, CITP office manager, Worship Committee, and pastor.
- Provide lay reader status updates to the Worship Committee Chairperson.
Lay Reader
Reports to: Lay Reader Coordinator
Description: Lay readers read scripture during worship services.
Helpful Experience: Comfortable with public speaking.
Duties include:
General duties for lay readers:
- Willingness to read scripture during worship services 1-2 times per quarter.
- Respond within a few days to quarterly communication from lay reader coordinator with schedule availability. If unable to volunteer or need more time prior to providing availability, communicate this as soon as possible with the Lay Reader Coordinator.
- Communicate promptly with the Lay Reader Coordinator with any schedule changes or other concerns.
Specific duties for assigned lay reading Sundays:
- During week prior to reading Sunday, look for email from CITP office manager with assigned reading.
- Select Prayer of Illumination of choice from resource material provided by Lay Reader Coordinator.
- Practice reading scripture at home prior to the service.
- On assigned Sunday, bring printed Prayer and scripture reading (printed NRSV scripture, or may use a pew or personal bible). Arrive at church 15 minutes early to check in with pastor. Check microphone prior to the service.
Usher Coordinator for 11:00 a.m. service
Reports to: Worship Chair
Description: Recruits and schedules church members to serve as ushers for the 11am service. Two ushers are needed. Maintains an usher checklist of duties and a list of on-call subs, and posts those on the display board in the Narthex. Keeps copies of Mask signs (optional and required) on hand in the Narthex. Uses feedback from ushers to update or improve the ushering process.
Helpful Experience: It’s helpful to have observed the ushering process and duties during worship services and know the more regular attendees for recruiting purposes, but it’s not necessary.
Duties include:
- Reaching out to the church community and asking for volunteers
- Maintaining, posting, and updating the usher schedule on the display board in the Narthex
- Maintaining and posting a one page Usher Checklist and a list of on-call subs on the display board
- Reporting to Worship committee and responding to any changes to the church calendar that affect ushering
USHER at 11:00 a.m. service
Reports to: Worship chair or Usher Scheduler
Description: Help prepare Sanctuary for the service, stand at the Sanctuary doors to greet and seat worshippers, hand out bulletins, take up the offering, count heads, and do a quick clean up afterwards.
Helpful Experience: No experience is needed. A checklist is posted with the duties, and as there are two ushers scheduled, and other experienced people are around, volunteers will quickly learn the ropes. A cheerful and friendly demeanor is all that’s required, plus standing for about a half hour.
Duties include:
- Place 1C water into pitcher on communion table (for font) (pitcher in Narthex kitchen)
- Prop doors open around 10:50 am
- Greet, hand out bulletins, assist with seating if needed
- Gently close door at start of service
- Count heads; email to
- Pass baskets during anthem; present at altar during Doxology
- Stay in Narthex and open/close doors as needed (Minimum of 2 people in Narthex at all times)
- Adjust volume on speaker to hear service if in Narthex
- Prop doors open when pastor comes up aisle
- Snuff candles
- Empty font (device in kitchen) & pat it dry (Don’t lift font!)
- Tear off pew sheets; take sheets and offering to office
- Pick up any trash and put bulletins in recycle; put away hymnals
- Set HEPA filter units to zero (top button)
- Hit ALL OFF light button; close doors to Sanctuary
Usher Coordinator for 9:15 a.m. service
Reports to: Worship Chair
Description: Recruits and schedules church members to serve as ushers for the 9:15am service. Two ushers are needed. Uses feedback from ushers to update or improve the ushering process.
Helpful Experience: It’s helpful to have observed the ushering process and duties during worship services and know the more regular attendees for recruiting purposes, but it’s not necessary.
Duties include:
- Reaching out to the church community and asking for volunteers
- Maintaining, posting, and updating the usher schedule online
- Reporting to Worship committee with feedback, and responding to any changes to the church calendar that affect ushering
USHER at 9:15 a.m. service
Reports to: Usher Coordinator
Description: Greet worshippers, assist w/ chairs if needed, count heads, & handle donations.
Helpful Experience: No experience is needed. A cheerful and friendly demeanor is all that’s required, plus some standing, and if the usher is willing, some lifting and carrying.
Duties include:
- Arrive around 9am and put on an Usher badge/name tag.
- Bring the table outside that Greeters use, set up with bulletins (make sure they are the 9:15 version and not 11), name tags, pew pads, and other CITP information.
- Stand near edge of area: greet people and direct them to the Greeter table.
- Count heads; email to
- Render assistance to anyone needing it
- Maintain “awareness” of surroundings, evaluate anyone approaching the area
- Say goodbye and thank those who attended
- Pick up area; assist with equipment, table if needed
- Take donations to Sanctuary and place in the baskets there for the 11am service
Flower Coordinator
Reports to: Worship Committee Chair
Description: Recruits and schedules members to donate floral bouquets/arrangements for placement in the Sanctuary each Sunday. At Christmas, poinsettias are provided at CITP expense, as are the lilies at Easter.
Helpful Experience: Ability to arrange flowers.
Duties include:
- Promotes sign-up via:
- Reminders in the bulletin
- Speaking periodically at a Sunday service to appeal for donations
- When possible, standing by the sign-up board after the service to encourage/talk up donations
- Maintains the Flower Sign-up spreadsheet:
- lists the date, donor name, and occasion (anniversary, in memory of, etc.) for each Sunday
- adds the names of the flower deacons for each Sunday
- arranges for a CITP funded arrangement if no one signs up for a specific Sunday, and
- gets reimbursed
- monitors the Bulletin to see that proper recognition is given to every donor
- Arranges for a “second” use for each Sunday’s bouquet:
- Coordinates with the Head Deacon to know the names of each Sunday’s designated Flower
- Deacons, who will deliver the flowers after the service to a home-bound or ill member
- Maintaining the current list of Flowers Deacons – this is also done on the Flower Sign Up spreadsheet
- Coordinate with the Deacon to know who the current Floral Delivery volunteers are to take flowers to home bound or ill church members that have been identified for that week
Flower Donor
Reports to: Flower Coordinator
Description: Volunteers to provide a floral bouquet/arrangement for placement in the Sanctuary on a specific Sunday, usually in honor of a significant event (anniversary or birthday) or in memory of a loved one. The flowers can be as elaborate or simple as the donor desires.
Helpful Experience: None needed.
Duties include:
- Purchases or obtains the bouquet or arrangement from whatever source the donor desires: florist shop, grocery store, previously used at a memorial service or wedding, etc.
- Provides information for the bulletin if donor desires
- Brings the arrangement to CITP on assigned Sunday in time for placement before the service
Liturgical Arts Coordinator
Reports to: Worship Committee Chair
Description: Oversees the creation, vetting, installation, and maintenance of artwork in CITP’s narthex, sanctuary, halls, and classrooms.
Helpful Experience: Artistic ability and appreciation.
Duties include:
- Annually updates the inventory of liturgical arts owned by CITP: banners, pulpit paraments, and other materials, pictures, etc.
- Updates the Liturgical Arts Guidelines as needed, with input from the Worship Committee.
- Ensures the two painted angel banners for the Sanctuary are installed and taken down according to the schedule: Easter and Advent.
- Ensures the correct color paraments are hung from the pulpit according to the Liturgical calendar.
- Recruits skilled artisans to make new pieces of art/banners for CITP as needed.
- Vets all art given to or made for CITP, before it is installed or hung.
- Ensures all art is hung in accordance with local Fire ordinances and rules.
- Undertakes or manages art projects resulting in a more beautiful and pleasing appearance of the CITP sanctuary, narthex, halls, and classrooms.
Reports to: Director of Music Ministries
Description: Singing in the church choir.
Helpful Experience: None needed, enjoys singing.
Duties include:
The CitP Choir likes to say “anyone can sing” and there are no wrong notes on Sunday. The choir practices on Wednesday evenings and on Sunday mornings before 11:00 service during the regular season which follows the public-school calendar. During the summer, the choir becomes a pickup choir that practices only before Sunday church service.
Bell Choir
Reports to: Director of Handbell Choir
Description: Participate in adding handbells to worship in a variety of ways
Helpful Experience: Previous experience with handbells is helpful, but wanting to learn is all that is required. Open to all in 6th grade and up if you can commit to regular, weekly rehearsals
Duties include: Regular rehearsals from late August through May are generally on Wednesday evenings. Other rehearsal opportunities will become available as more ringers are interested in participating. Handbells provide music for services during the year
Office Assistants
Reports to: Office Manager
Description: Provides assistance to Office manager
Helpful Experience: Typing skills, organizational skills.
Duties include: Assistance to the Office Manager which may include filing, helping to prepare Sunday bulletin, making copies, etc.