Pastor’s Weekly Musing

Prayers of the People, December 15, 2024

In tribute to the amazing musicians of Chapel in the Pines who played and sang for our lessons and carols, this prayer is written as three sonnets, which means “little song” in Italian.

This is the day that you have made, O Lord,
and we rejoice in the good news.
We give thanks for the music that tunes
our hearts to sing thy praise. We adore
you, which is what we have been created for,
creatures of star dust and humble earth,
recipients of gifts of widest worth,
poured out from your treasure’s store.
In our time, we know grave injustice,
polluted minds and fouled nations,
rampant greed, falsehood, and cruelty.
Instead of bravery, there is cowardice;
the lack of love an abomination
to your gracious design for harmony.

And yet, there were shepherds long ago,
abiding their flocks by night;
a people who walked in darkness were given light,
and hearts, which had dimmed strangely cold,
were suddenly revived; the old
dreamed dreams, the young had visions,
a child was born, a son was given,
just as the promise had been foretold.
And always, there was music;
rivers strummed, trees clapped their hands,
the hills burst forth in song,
and from our mortal lips,
praise is heard in any land
where faith is kept and love is strong.

Though the world tilts and whirls its weary
route, joy in born in us,
each and every time we trust
the composer and find the flow of melody;
every grace note ringing of unity,
each song more real than hate,
truth that sets us free to make
peace through a baby’s divinity.
Your love is stronger than even death,
and though weeping might linger for a night,
there shall be joy at dawn,
perpetual and eternal rest,
as gloom shall be dispelled by light,
and forever be a joyful love song.


Read Andrew’s Presbyterian Outlook essay “Joy and sorrow with Gilliam Welch and David Rawlings”  HERE